Refresh Your Home Decor For Summer

  1. Lighten up your color scheme by adding brighter hues such as soft pastels or bold colors.
  2. Bring in natural elements such as succulents, fresh greenery, flowers, and one of our Translucent Agate Druzy Slices or Celestite Geodes to create bright and fresh and summery vibe.
  3. Swap out heavy fabrics and textures for lightweight fabrics like linen or cotton.
  4. Accessorize your outdoor living space with natural elements such as our vibrant agate coasters and quartz geodes.
  5. Declutter and simplify your space to create an airy and open feel.
  6. Incorporate seasonal scents through candles or diffusers to add an extra touch of freshness.

Crystals and Geodes

Translucent Agate Druzy Slices

Crystals and Geodes

Crystals and Geodes

Agate Coaster Set

Agate Coaster Set